The NEICC wrote to the Lok Sabha Speaker on 28.9.2020, expressing its grievance against the comments made by Shri Satya Pal in the Parliament on 21.9.2020, while the house was debating on the passing of FCRA Bill 2020. The letter states :

  • that the first comment against Churches and Christian organizations in North East India of being involved in misusing foreign funds channelled through FCRA to support insurgency is misleading and unfounded as Churches and Christian organizations have been agents of social transformation through education and social service for more than one and a half century, and has no connection with insurgency in North East India.
  • that the disparaging remark against Graham Staines accusing him of forced conversion and sexual molestation of 30 Adivasi girls while discussing the proposed amendments is not only out of context but it is more of an attempt to baselessly malign Christianity and Christians in India.

The NEICC, as a Council representing around 35 lakh members,  request the Speaker to kindly expunge the distressing remarks from the records and proceedings of the august house, to kindly use the office of the Speaker to refrain members of the house from making such hate speech and irresponsible comments that could distance people of North East India from people of the mainland, and which undermine the pluralistic nature of our country.

The NEICC, at the same time, assured the Speaker of its commitment to keep on praying for the country, the government and the leaders; for the success of the developmental and progressive programs, and also for the promotion of pluralism and secularism as well.