NEICC expressed its grievance at unsavoury and distressing comments in Lok Sabha
The NEICC wrote to the Lok Sabha Speaker on 28.9.2020, expressing its grievance against the comments made by Shri Satya Pal in the Parliament on 21.9.2020, while [...]
NEICC Day of Prayer 2020
The NEICC Day of Prayer is observed every year by all the unit on every 3rd Sunday of October. It falls on the 18th this year. Theme [...]
UCC Chaplaincy
The Union Christian College Chaplain Rev VL Malsawmdawngkima is going to leave at the end of the year. He has been serving the college for 8 years [...]
NEICC Biennial Session
NEICC 4th Biennial Session was supposed to be held during May 14th-17th, 2020 at Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church, Peren District, Nagaland. Sadly, the meetings had to [...]
Secretary attended NBCC Silver Jubilee Celebration.
The Secretary attended and delivered two Gospel messages, as invited, at National Boro Christian Council Silver Jubilee Celebration at Udalguri, Assam during 26th & 27th October 2019. [...]
We are shocked and saddened by the sudden demise of Most Rev. Dominic Jala, Archbishop of Shillong, on 11.10.2019, 10:30 am IST who unfortunately met with an [...]