1. Association of Theologically Trained Women in India (ATTWI), Mizoram Branch
    2. Campus Crusade for Christ –NEI (CCC)
    3. Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
    4. Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB)
    5. India Every Home Crusade (IEHC)
    6. Mizo Theological Association (MTA)
    7. North East Centre for Training and Research (NECTAR)
    8. North East India Christian Endeavour (NEICE)
    9. North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD)
    10. North East India Harvest Network (NEIHN)
    11. Serving in Mission North East India (SIMNEI)
    12. Shillong Christian Youth Organisation and Conference (SCYO &C)
    13. Student Christian Movement, Meghalaya Zone (SCMM)
    14. Thlarau Bo Zawngtute (TBZ)
    15. The Leprosy Mission Mizoram (TLM)
    16. World Vision of India (NEI Zone)
    17. Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
    18. Zoram Evangelical Fellowship (ZEF)